Submit your Tribute

This site is dedicated to celebrating those who have left legacies through organ and tissue donation.

Thank you for taking the time to share your loved one’s story and the Gift of Hope and Healing.

To Submit your tribute, please fill out the following form. Our Gift of Hope team will then review your personal tribute, compile details and images, and publish your story of hope and healing.

Submit your tribute

128MB max file size. File type must be mp4, m4v, mov, wmv, avi, mpg, ogv.
Legal Terms and Agreement for Share your Story: I hereby grant Gift of Hope | Stories of Hope to use my story and/or testimonial together with any videos, images and/or any other media submitted with such writing (the “Story”) in any and all of their publications, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration.

Gift of Hope has teamed up with to make it easy to become an organ and tissue donor. Visit to join the registry today.

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